The easiest and fastest way to thread the wire into the chicken intestine

The easiest and fastest way to thread the wire into the chicken intestine

The easiest and fastest way to thread the wire into the chicken intestine

Views: 0 - Post on: 29/09/2022

For many people, threading the chicken intestine can be simple and easy to do. However, for those who have never done it, it will find it difficult and time consuming to do. In this article, we will introduce how to thread the wire into the chicken intestine – the conduit invites you to refer!

What is a chicken intestine?

Chicken intestine is a familiar type of electrical conduit in daily life, appearing in many electrical systems in homes, factories, etc., especially industrial projects.

Chicken intestine pipe has the same shape as chicken intestine, is a protective layer for electrical wires and has good heat and pressure resistance. The product is also very flexible when flexing, so it is used to create the most neat and scientific electrical system.

How to thread the wire into the chicken intestine?

To thread the wire into the chicken intestine, there are 2 methods as follows:

How to thread the power cord

This is an easy, fast and time-saving way of threading electrical wires into pipes. You can follow these steps:

➢ Before installation: Determine the pipe cross-section suitable for the amount of wire to go. It is not recommended to use pipes with large cross-sections, which will cause waste. Too small a tube will make it difficult to add more wires or upgrade the electrical system when needed.

➢ Drop the chicken intestine from above, then string the wire in slowly, based on gravity, the wire will go inside the tube easily.

The advantage of this method is that it can be threaded quickly and the length of the wire is large.

How to thread the power cord to sink

The way to thread the power cord to sink will be more difficult for professional sellers because it will need to use additional bait wire.

When wiring electricity sinks inside the wall, you can only walk about 15m of wire length. To run a submerged line, you need to use a primer with 2 ends. One point is inserted into the spool, the other end is attached to the rope and needs one person to pull, one person to push so that the rope can pass through.

Note: The cross-section of the electric primer should be half of the spool. The selection of wire bait wire also needs to ensure technical specifications. For example, high-grade plastic materials, the bait wire has 2 twisted cores, ensuring toughness, etc. In addition, for the way the electric wire is submerged, it is necessary to bury the chicken intestine pipe into segments. Each segment is 20m so that the wire can be inserted into the pipe accurately and quickly.

Above are the simplest and fastest ways to thread the wires into the conduit. Hope this informative content will be able to help you.


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